Our Bible Study is preceded with an hour of prayer and praise. The study time is led by a facilitator. The focus is usually on  specific topics that are studied over several weeks. It could also be a walk through portions of the Bible. Study guides are usually provided to enable people know what to expect in advance and also give them an opportunity to do preliminary work before the meeting. We expect our members and others joining us to take responsibility and play active role in their spiritual growth process. The time involves teaching by the facilitator with slots for questions and expression of opinions and general discussions by those in attendance.

The Bible is one of the pillars of our belief. It is God's inspired word revealed through the experiences of His people over a long period of time. It is our manual for life and it contains life because the word of God is life. We believe that anyone acting sincerely on what the bible upholds, will experience a transformation which begins from the mind and flows into every facet of life. This is made possible by the Holy Spirit who makes the words to come alive in us.

We encourage our members and those visiting us to take God's word seriously through study, meditation and action. Christ expects us not to be hearers alone but also doers of the word. Action must accompany learning. Studying the word should be a habit imbibed by all Christians it is one of the ways we get equipped for life. The word is our spiritual sword. When Christ faced temptation by the devil in Matthew 4:4, He fought the devil's onslaught through the reservoir of the word in Him. We use the word to encourage ourselves and others. It is the light that illuminates our path, enabling us to see as God has designed us to. Psalm 119:105 declares, that God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

Bible school 

Growing is important in the body of Christ and one way to that is through education. The Iso Kirja Bible School offers education courses and programmes for those who seek to further equip themselves. Click on the link to see more details.